Get Children out of the Adult System

April 2012

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When children end up in the adult criminal justice system, no one wins. Research shows that prosecuting youth charged with low-level crimes in the adult criminal justice system wastes young lives, fosters crime, does not increase public safety, and costs society more in the long run.

Youth charged with low-level crimes should be handled in the juvenile justice system.

Evidence shows that the juvenile system – with programs tailored to how children think and learn – is more effective at rehabilitating youth. Fewer then go on to commit another crime, which means lower costs to society and more children growing up to become educated, employed citizens.

North Carolina is one of only two states in the nation that still prosecute all 16- and 17-year-olds as adults, regardless of the severity of the crime. Incarcerated children in North Carolina have no right to rehabilitative programming, mentoring, counseling, or even an education.

Tell North Carolina’s leaders that it’s time to join the rest of the country. Tell them to throw out this nearly 100-year-old law and put 16- and 17-year-olds accused of low-level crimes in the juvenile justice system, where they can be treated, rehabilitated, educated, counseled, and prepared for a successful life.

Please sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 30,000 signatures–that’s how many kids are charged as adults in NC every year.